Tōku Reo Charitable Trust

Ko wai mātou
Tōku Reo Charitable Trust is based in Te Awakairangi / Lower Hutt. Our focus is on empowering whānau to bring reo Māori into their homes .
We run several total immersion kaupapa in Te Awakairangi for whānau.
Te Puna Ihi Manaaki is our reo based community at Hikoikoi Pā and welcomes those who are willing to make a commitment to ensuring their tamariki/mokopuna grow up with reo Māori in the home. The community currently supports whānau to improve their reo proficiency and implement language planning tools
Reo 2 Go club creates opportunities for whānau to enjoy whānau activities in reo Māori. In 2018 the club had a My Kitchen Rules day, played boardgames, had art lessons and a tour of Matiu/Somes island all in reo Māori. In 2019 we hope to start a book club , a rangatahi gaming roopu and more!
Tuia Te Reo is our knitting circle in total immersion and is based on similar knitting circles who come together to tell tales, trade stories, gossip and talk about every day goings on, Tuia Te Reo however is offered in total immersion. The aim being to create a natural non-classroom setting to use every day reo ōpaki while creating knitted pieces reminiscent of the crafts of our grandmothers and aunts.
Tōkihi is our leadership programme growing and guiding reo champions in the community.